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Search Results

The Breed Standards Committee has given approval to publish for comment amendments to the following breed standard.
/en/News/2018/September/Publish-for-Comment-Black-Russian-Terrier 9/13/2018 12:00:00 AM

/en/Files/Forms/Shows-Trials/Event-Supplies/Obedience-Trial-All-Breed-Group-Specialty/Move-Up-Form-Form-No-151-09-73 5/2/2014 11:14:24 AM
Origin An ancient French herding breed, the Berger Picard is known as a coated breed without coat problems. The Picard, also called the Picardy Sheepdog, is a tousled canine with an air of casual elegance about him. The Picard almost disappeared during World War II but h...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Herding-Dogs/Berger-Picard 2/6/2014 1:10:40 PM
Origin The Iceland Sheepdog is thought to be a descendant of the small herding dogs that accompanied the Vikings in AD 880 when they colonized Iceland. The Nordic Spitz breed was introduced into England in the Middle Ages and developed a following there in the 1500s. Eve...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Herding-Dogs/Iceland-Sheepdog 2/6/2014 1:12:36 PM
Origin Bred as a hunting dog, the Shikoku – which was used mainly for hunting boar in the mountainous districts of the Kochi Prefecture of Japan – harks back to the medium-sized dogs of ancient times. The breed was designated as a Natural Monument in Japan in 1937. Today...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Hounds/Shikoku 2/6/2014 1:14:10 PM
Origin Developed from the original Standard Smooth Dachshund, the Long-haired was created by crossing the breed with the Field Spaniel. This variety has all the attributes of the Smooth but the outline is enhanced by soft feathering on the throat, ears, underbody and tai...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Hounds/Dachshund-Standard-Long-haired 2/6/2014 1:17:54 PM
Origin Dog historians tend to believe the English Toy Spaniel originated in Japan, was taken to Spain and then to England. The breed caught the fancy of nobility there. Mary, Queen of Scots, kept a number of them and one hid beneath her skirts at the time of her executio...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Toy-Dogs/English-Toy-Spaniel 2/6/2014 1:37:57 PM
Origin Despite its appearance, the Min Pin is not a miniature Doberman Pinscher. In fact, the Miniature Pinscher is a much older German breed that predates the Doberman by some 200 years. It is thought to have been developed by crossing the German smooth-haired Pinscher ...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Toy-Dogs/Miniature-Pinscher 2/6/2014 1:39:14 PM
Origin The Doberman Pinscher takes its name from its creator, Louis Dobermann, who was a tax collector and dog warden in Germany. Not being engaged in the most popular of occupations, Dobermann wanted a dog that would be protective, alert and agile so he blended several ...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Working-Dogs/Doberman-Pinscher 2/6/2014 1:46:46 PM
Origin Largest of the Hungarian breeds, the Komondor’s reputation as a guardian of the flocks has earned him the accolade of “King of the Working Dogs” in his native land. The breed is believed to have descended from dogs brought to Hungary in the 10th century by the Mag...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Working-Dogs/Komondor 2/6/2014 1:48:08 PM
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