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Suite 101
Etobicoke, ON
M9C 5K6
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If you’ve lost registration paperwork or certificates due to circumstances out of your control (fires, floods, etc.), please reach out to us using one of the above methods and we can help replace your important documents.
Deerhound mother with two deerhound puppies

eLearning with Royal Canin Academy

At CKC we know that breeding is more than a hobby - it's a way of life.

To recognize the commitment, education, and passion CKC member breeders put into their programs, and to help you along your breeding journey, CKC members can access free breeder education through our partners at Royal Canin.

Available 24/7, Royal Canin Academy features intuitive, easy to use courses, on topics like Maternity (whelping and newborn care), Nursery (weaning, socialization, diseases, and vaccination protocol), Adult (genetics, reproductive anatomy and mating process, pregnancy diagnostic and care), Isolation & QuarantineRun (benefits & design, risk management & parasite control), and much, much more!
With hours of digital content and resources, built in tracking and feedback opportunities, Royal Canin Academy has something for everyone - whether your new to breeding or have been involved in your breed for decades.

Kindly note that RC Academy will be unavailable during the transition period from November 1, 2024, to February 1, 2025.


CKC Webinars & Other Resources

Looking to further your education with the latest information on best practices in breeding, dog health and wellness, marketing, advocacy, or conducting your business with CKC? CKC’s online Portal has a collection of seminars & videos on marketing, advocacy, and conducting your business with CKC.

Log-in to Access the Educational Resources on the Member Portal



Health & preservation of the Dachshund Webinar 

Welcome to a special webinar hosted by the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC), where we'll be diving deep into the ongoing discussion surrounding the preservation of the cherished Dachshund breed. Join us as we bring together a diverse panel of experts, breeders, and enthusiasts to explore the complexities and challenges facing Dachshund preservation efforts.

In this webinar, we'll take a journey through the rich history of the Dachshund breed, tracing its origins and evolution over time. From there, we'll delve into the heart of the matter: the debate between maintaining the Dachshund as one breed or separating it into six distinct varieties. Our panelists will share their insights, experiences, and concerns regarding this crucial decision, offering perspectives from various corners of the Dachshund community.

Join us as we come together to learn, discuss, and collaborate in our shared mission to safeguard the legacy and well-being of the Dachshund breed.

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