#5 Shelamo Man On A Journey CGN, CD, RAE4, AgX, AgJX, IP
Call name: “Journey”
Shetland Sheepdog
Owners: Judy & Terry Flanigan
Handler: Judy Flanigan
How long have you been training dogs? I have been training dogs since I was eight or nine years old.
List other events you participate in with your dogs. Besides rally, I currently participate in agility, obedience and nosework. In the past, I have also done tracking.
Do you have a warm-up ritual before entering the ring? Before going in the rally ring, I go through a few attention exercises with treats, of course, and then play with my dog. This allows us both to relax before entering the ring.
What has been the most challenging aspect of rally for you and your dog? With rally, every time you go in the ring, the course is different. The most challenging part, for me, is remembering the details of how each station is to be performed. My dog Journey and I compete in rally under different organizations, and the rules are unique to each.
Advice you would give someone new to rally trials? My advice for anyone doing rally, and not just beginners, is to study the rule book, especially the exact wording for how each station is to be performed and judged. It is very easy to mix up similar signs during the stress of a trial. Make sure you and your dog can perform each station with confidence before sending in your entry form and money.