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Top Agility Dogs - Official 2015 Results

Meet Canada's Top Agility Dogs

1-TAD-Barry-Rosen.jpg#1 AgMCh. & AgMChV Marolou Run McClean CGN, XPV, AgSC, CD, RE, AgMX2, AgMXV3, AgMXJV3
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Owner: Diane Guillotte
McClean and I are very proud to be Canada’s #1 agility dog, all breeds, for 2015. It is not easy to accomplish, as we do not have a lot of trials near our place.
Most memorable win: As every class is a different course with different challenges each time, it is always a thrill to accomplish each of them. This is probably one of the reason we love agility. It’s never boring, and that’s without having a terrier (and a terrier mind) as a partner.
Funniest story: It is sometimes difficult to run because I end up laughing instead of running. Even some judges laugh with us during the course. If you know agility rules, McClean tries to make the ‘‘spot’’ at the beginning of a contact obstacle instead of at that the end. How can I not laugh? I wish that everybody could have a dog like Mc. Life is so much fun with this fellow!

2-TAD.JPG#2 AgMChS Abitt Scooter Jones XPS, AgSCS, AgI, AgXJ, AgMXJS2
English Springer Spaniel
Owner: Jane Jefferis
Most memorable win: My most memorable experience at a CKC agility trial was this past summer, when Scooter Jones was named the Top Dog at the Alberta Kennel Club trial at Spruce Meadows! What a thrill to get to play at this beautiful venue, at a well-run trial, with my canine buddy!
Funniest story: There have been many mishaps – so many that I can’t remember a specific one. However, I’ve been told that the look on my face as my “well-trained” partner races by as I’m leading out to start the run is priceless! Doesn’t happen too often with him, so is always a surprise!

3-TAD-©Photoplay.jpg#3 Ch. & AgMCh. Baywood Sask River Mission CGN, IP, CDX, RE
Portuguese Water Dog
Owner: Brenda Brown
Being recognized in the Top 10 in agility is especially exciting as ‘Mission’ is a dog I bred, raised and trained. He was also in the Top 10 in 2014 and 2015, and #1 PWD in obedience for 2015!
Most memorable win: Our most memorable moment was smoking a Jumpers run and coming off the course with both of us wearing huge grins! We enjoy Jumpers where it is all out and no stopping! Mission is a “give it a try” dog. He is willing to have fun with you, which makes him a great team member.
Funniest story: Funniest moment of our year was running agility along with rally and obedience on the same day, so I never really knew what part of an outfit I was wearing in which ring. He also always has his own lawn chair beside me and will wait there all day while his adoring fans pet him as they pass by.

4-TAD.jpg#4 Ch. Sonrisas George R Us CGN, RA, AgX, AgXJ
Owner: Rita Thomas | Handler: Elizabeth Fortna
In 2015, George started running agility courses with his new handler Elizabeth Fortna, instead of his owner Rita. The first few times out George was very concerned that we had left his mother outside the ring, so we decided to have Rita drive away and hide! That first fast and flawless run was when we knew he could go all the way, and we haven’ t looked back since. 

Funniest story: George’ s funniest trial mishap was while travelling with his handler and some of her other agility dogs. When Rita came to pick him up and we took him out of the crate that he was sharing with his agility friends, we realized that someone (or some dog, I should say) had given George a haircut and trimmed just one of his eyebrows off! We never did discover the aspiring hairdresser.

5-TAD-Bev-Holoboff-Photography.jpg#5 Ch., GMOTCh., AgMCh. & AgMChV Wathaman’ s Vandalizing Vegas CGN, XPV, RE
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft
Most memorable win: Our most memorable win was earning her Agility Master Championship from the Veterans class in November 2015, just two weeks shy of her 10th birthday. We had a fabulous time working together in the agility ring and Gamble is always ready to go out and give her best, whether it’s the first agility round of the weekend or the tenth!
Funniest story: While we have had many great times over the year, the funniest was when I almost lost a bet, which would have resulted in me running a Standard course in my ’70s disco costume! Thankfully we didn’t lose the bet because it was quite hot that day and running the course in a head-to-toe polyester outfit would not have been fun!

6-TAD.JPG#6 Scouterrific AgX, AgXJ
Cairn Terrier
Owner: Karin Davis | Handler: Elizabeth Fortna
As Scout’s trainer and handler, I am extremely proud of his accomplishment because he was only old enough to begin competing at the Novice level in June of 2015, so he managed to go from Novice to the Top 10 in just six months.
Most memorable and funny moment: His most memorable and funniest run happened to be the same one! While competing at the Masters level at an outdoor trial in July, Scout was having a lovely run (and qualifying) when he suddenly noticed that there was a person sitting in the ring. A “ring crew” is always sitting in the ring during a trial, so we were never quite sure why he was so enamoured with this one person in particular. He jumped the next jump, flew over to her and ran straight up her lap and kissed her face, jumped down and continued with his clean run! What a fantastic first year he had.

7-TAD.JPG#7 Buddington’ s Angel Corella AgX, AgMXJ
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Owner: Elizabeth Fortna
Angel’s placement in the Top 10 is especially meaningful for me because I am her breeder/owner/handler, and her father ‘Balan’ was the #1 Agility Dog, all breeds, in 2014. I am so proud that she is continuing his winning ways and love of the sport.
Most memorable win: Her most memorable performance last year was when she stumbled and fell off the end of the A-frame, picked herself up and finished the run and ended up winning that Master Standard class. What a good girl! Angel takes her agility career quite seriously, so I can’t think of anything silly that she’s done in the past year, other than trying to give me a kiss while on the table mid-run!

8-TAD.jpg#8 Ch., AgMCh. & AgMChV Glaswire’ s King Solo CGN, IPV, CD, RE, AgMXV2, AgMXJ3
Wire Fox Terrier
Owner: Linda Glasier
I am thrilled to have another top-dog placement with Solo. The most memorable win with Solo was when we won the regional title for his division and he was #5 overall for points. He does everything I ask of him. Solo has always excelled in whatever discipline I put him in, whether conformation, rally, flyball or obedience. Our success has been rewarding, but the most important thing is our bond. To me the titles indicate the strength of our bond and that he is always willing to work and listen to whatever I ask of him.

The most important thing is to remember to have fun. If I get too serious or nervous, Solo worries that there is something wrong. When I make it fun, then Solo has fun. My best memories will always include the delight I have knowing that Solo, a Wire Fox Terrier – a breed not really known for listening to directions – always tries his hardest, which has created a very special partnership.
9-TAD-Poodle.JPG#9 AgMChV Criterion Celestial Sky Rocket CGN, IPV, RE, AgX, AgMXJ
Standard Poodle
Owner: Steve Eisenreich
It is an honour to be in agility’s Top 10 for 2015. Rocket is now 10-1/2 years old and he still loves agility. Actually, he loves any event where people are watching him and he can be a clown. I can tell by the twinkle in his eye.  I think Rocket’s best achievement in CKC agility was in 2014 down in Calgary at the beautiful Spruce Meadows venue where Rocket finished first in the agility trial and he also had four Rally runs and now has his RAE.  For the past few years, Rocket has been very consistent and he knows how to play agility. To be honest, most runs where we fail as a team are totally my fault. The best thing is, he doesn't care and keeps on playing.

9-TAD-Sheltie.jpg#9 AgMCh. Dynstar Mythical Creature CGN, IP, CDX, RE
Shetland Sheepdog
Kim Boyes
Most memorable win: Spryte and I won the AAC National Championships last summer. We ran five of the six runs cleanly. We were in perfect harmony that weekend. It was a wonderful feeling being that connected to my teammate.
Funniest story: Spryte has some odd quirks. She likes to roll around in fresh laundry and rub against us like a cat after we shower. She barks at us when we sneeze, change the garbage bag and when an alarm goes off. Spryte also likes to gentle nibble on our clothes when we pet her. She keeps us entertained with her colourful personality.

10-TAD-Chipperfield-Photography.jpg#10 Ch. Auburnmist Familiar West Wind NPS, IPV, RA, AgNS, AgNJS, AgXV, AgXJV
Golden Retriever
Owner: Annelise Freeman
Zephyr started competing in agility in 2014 and we were hooked. Accomplished in both conformation and rally, Zephyr loves agility the most. His favourite obstacles are the Teeter and the A-Frame.

Our most memorable win was last July when we won the title of High Point Veteran at the Golden National held at Carseland, Alberta. Zephyr is a “rock,” who can always be counted on to do his best with a happy attitude and a big smile. He is much better at the game of agility than his owner, as I have guided him off course more than once, including the time I ran his housemates through the same course and then managed to get mixed up when it was Zephyr’s turn.

10-TAD.JPG#10 Ch. Herdabout Watts Of Fun IP, AgMX, AgXJ
Shetland Sheepdog
Owner: Jeff Whiteside
I am very happy with my Sheltie boy Spark-E, especially since he was from a litter we bred. Spark-E was a very determined, resilient, happy and feisty puppy.

Agility is a lot of fun with Spark-E. He loves to train, is fearless and nothing phases him. Spark-E prefers to run on AstroTurf over rubber flooring or even real grass, so the agility trials held by Club Chomedy in Quebec are one of our favourites.
I don’t often trial in other venues because I am a strong supporter of the CKC. We breed Shelties because we love the dogs and feel richly rewarded by their companionship. We also enjoy the sportsmanship of the dog shows and the great feeling of accomplishment in showing a dog that we raised from puppyhood through earning its CKC titles, so I am absolutely thrilled to place in Canada’s Top 10 Agility Dogs with Spark-E!
AgMChS Fire Jazz And Flame NP, IPS, RE, AgX, AgXJ

Owner: Wanda Brown
Most memorable win: At the 2015 Chomedey trials, Jazz qualified in 10 of 11 runs with a first place in all (but the handler error in the NQ run), and earned her AgMXS, AgMXJS and IP titles, becoming the first Havanese in CKC history to earn an Agility Master Champion title. 
Funniest story: Jazz’s nickname is “Little Ms Perfect,” but her rare “zoomies” are legendary. In a standard run at our club’s trial she took off on multiple wild zooms, racing across/through numerous obstacles. When I recovered from laughter and finally signaled to the judge that we would leave the ring, she pleaded “No, please, PLEASE continue…. This is too much fun.” Our attempt at the last two obstacles was a zoom into the weaves with a pop at pole 10 and a magnificent leap over the last jump. Two years later, people still talk about it. 

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