#10 Ch. Herdabout Watts Of Fun IP, AgMX, AgXJ
Shetland Sheepdog
Owner: Jeff Whiteside
I am very happy with my Sheltie boy Spark-E, especially since he was from a litter we bred. Spark-E was a very determined, resilient, happy and feisty puppy.
Agility is a lot of fun with Spark-E. He loves to train, is fearless and nothing phases him. Spark-E prefers to run on AstroTurf over rubber flooring or even real grass, so the agility trials held by Club Chomedy in Quebec are one of our favourites.
I don’t often trial in other venues because I am a strong supporter of the CKC. We breed Shelties because we love the dogs and feel richly rewarded by their companionship. We also enjoy the sportsmanship of the dog shows and the great feeling of accomplishment in showing a dog that we raised from puppyhood through earning its CKC titles, so I am absolutely thrilled to place in Canada’s Top 10 Agility Dogs with Spark-E!
AgMChS Fire Jazz And Flame NP, IPS, RE, AgX, AgXJ
Owner: Wanda Brown
Most memorable win: At the 2015 Chomedey trials, Jazz qualified in 10 of 11 runs with a first place in all (but the handler error in the NQ run), and earned her AgMXS, AgMXJS and IP titles, becoming the first Havanese in CKC history to earn an Agility Master Champion title.
Funniest story: Jazz’s nickname is “Little Ms Perfect,” but her rare “zoomies” are legendary. In a standard run at our club’s trial she took off on multiple wild zooms, racing across/through numerous obstacles. When I recovered from laughter and finally signaled to the judge that we would leave the ring, she pleaded “No, please, PLEASE continue…. This is too much fun.” Our attempt at the last two obstacles was a zoom into the weaves with a pop at pole 10 and a magnificent leap over the last jump. Two years later, people still talk about it.