A good pet is, indeed, a treasure, but if you’re inclined to investigate further, you may discover his talents extend beyond giving you a friendly greeting when you come home from work, or playing fetch games in the yard with the kids. Most breeds have a noble working heritage, and with the many organized dog activities now available, you can tap into that deep reservoir of canine instinct and skill. The sport (or sports) you select will depend on your interests, your crowded schedule, your location, your energy and fitness level, and your dog’s mental and physical makeup.
So how do you select an activity, and how do you become involved? A good place to start is at puppy obedience class. There your new pup will begin to learn the social and obedience skills that will stand him in good stead later on, whatever sport you choose, from agility to scent hurdling. You’ll also get an idea about which activities he might enjoy.
Large or small, specialist or jack-of-all-trades, your dog is an amazing creature. Why not give him a chance to show what he can do? To find an upcoming event near you, visit CanuckDogs.com.