When is Club Membership due and how do I renew?
Per policy club renewal is due prior to December 31
st each year.
Payment can be made as follows:
- Via customer service if paying by Visa or Mastercard
- Etransfers should be sent to etransfers@ckc.ca with a second email to the same address providing the answer to the security question
- A cheque can be mailed to the CKC office address
Clubs will receive a copy of the Paid Order once payment is completed.
How do I get my club recognized?
Please follow the requirements set out in
CKC Policy, Chapter V [Club Policy]. Applications and updates should be forwarded to
How long does the process take to become recognized?
There are many variables that contribute to a timeline estimate. The process can take 6 to 12 months for official recognition.
What are the requirements and where do clubs send updated Constitution and Bylaws?
Please follow the requirements set out in
CKC Policy, Chapter V [Club Policy]. Completed updates should be forwarded to
How do I update club officers?
The completed
Notification of Change in Club Board of Directors form should be emailed to
How does my club change the area of operation?
clubrelations@ckc.ca with your request and include the Meeting Minutes where the motion to request the change was passed by the club members, a copy of the club’s most recent Constitution/By-Laws, the current area of operation map and the proposed area of operation map.
How do we apply for a club status change (event holding, type, expand area of operation, etc.)?
For status changes or changes to club type, requirements are set out in policy. Once all requirements have been met, they should be emailed
clubrelations@ckc.ca. Some changes such as changing the area of operation will require the additional step of being published for comment.
How do I obtain or make changes to Priority Dates?
Changes to existing priority dates should be emailed to
For new Priority Dates, the club must have held that event type at least one time. Complete the
Priority Date Application form. The completed form should be emailed
What are the application deadlines and associated late fees?
Application submission deadlines:
- Event Date Applications: 180 days prior to event(s)
- Judging Panel Applications: 120 days prior to event(s)
- Premium List: In most cases 60 days (refer to the event rule book)
- Judging Schedule: Refer to the event rule book
Each of the late fees can be found in the
CKC Schedule of Fees.
Can I submit my Event Date and Judge applications at the same time?
Yes. Both applications can be sent to
eventapps@ckc.ca within the same email submission.
When can a club make a judge change?
The reasons for change are set out in each of the rule books, which can be found on our website:
Event Rules & Regulations
Judges can be changed prior to a Judging Panel Application being approved, but once approval is granted, there are only specific circumstances that allow a change.
Can clubs request a judge change for a new permit judge?
No. Please refer to Rule 3.2.7 of the Conformation Show Rules and Regulations:
- 3.2.7 Once a panel of judges for a show has been approved by the CKC, no change will be permitted except when necessary (i.e., due to death or illness) and in an overload situation.
Why is my application held up?
Date Application:
- Is my club renewal paid?
- Do the Board of Directors submitted on my application match the Board of Directors on club file?
- Are the President, Vice-President and either of the Secretary or Treasurer paid members of the CKC in accordance with policy?
- Are my Priority Dates paid?
- Are my dates in conflict with any other club?
- Is my event held in my area of operation?
- Can my club hold this event type or are sanction matches required?
- Does the Event Secretary have a paid membership?
- Does my application require Board member approval?
- Was my letter of Consent to hold an event in conjunction with another club included with my application?
Judging panels:
- Have you previously submitted any Foreign Judges for CKC approval? All requests should be submitted to eventapps@ckc.ca 6 months prior to the event per policy.
- Is the foreign judge licensed to judge the assignment?
- Are Canadian judges licensed or currently on permit for the proposed assignment?
- Have I paid any outstanding late fees?
- Is my club membership paid?
- Have all Open Book Tests been completed for any new breeds?
My event and Judge applications are approved. What’s next?
Who do I contact for judge changes or overloads?
These should be sent to the Event Specialist who approved the judging panel. If you receive an out of office message, please forward your request to
I need to cancel my event what do I do?
There are only certain circumstances an event can be cancelled, which are set out in the individual
Event Rules & Regulations.
All cancellations should be sent to the Event Specialist who approved the application. If you receive an out of office message, please forward your request to
information@ckc.ca. Cancellation fees may apply.