2022 Top Agility Dogs
CKC's 2022 Top Agility Dogs list represents the fastest, boldest, and brightest of competitors. Highway, a Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, is once again Canada's Top Agility Dog. Highway's owner, Diane Guillotte, also has Motion, Canada's #2 Agility Dog! We can imagine how much fun that home must be!
Agility is open to all breeds, including mixed-breed dogs. Dogs compete in groups according to size, jump heights, and speed requirements set for each size range.
Agility is as much a physical as a mental workout for both owner and handler. Agility athletes speed around an intricate course, over or through various obstacles, including jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and teeter-totters. The team to complete the course the quickest and cleanest wins.
All of Canada's Top Agility Dogs were born here in Canada, and several of them are over the age of 10! We caught up with ten very proud human teammates. Congratulations to all!
#1 – AGMCH10 Marolou Highway AGMX11 MXP AGSCX JTX2 CGN
Call Name: Highway
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Owner: Diane Guillotte
Handler: Diane Guillotte
Breeder: Louise Beakes Dubreuil
Date of Birth: July 5, 2014
Proud of my girls? That's an understatement!
There was a lot of effort involved in these achievements. I don't need to remind you how hot it was (you undoubtedly remember). Travelling with friends (thanks girls), meeting lots of kind and interesting people, discovering new places, and all this while having fun!
Many thanks to our breeder Marolou, Louise Beakes, for my amazing dogs. Special thanks to Physio 4X4, Diana Raghunandan and Dr. Julie Beaubien for the exceptional care they provide to my champions.
We are grateful to the clubs and volunteers who work tirelessly to organise all these great competitions. Without you, we could not have achieved these results.
(Photo credit: Lise Paquette and François Fournier)
#2 – AGMCHS2 Marolou Motion AGSCS XPS JTXS CGN
Call Name: Motion
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Owner: Diane Guillotte
Handler: Diane Guillotte
Breeder: Louise Beakes Dubreuil
Date of Birth: December 18, 2018
Hi, it's me MoMo! I expect you're surprised to see me in the Top 10 pantheon too.
How can I explain it? I always give 100%, I apply myself because I don't like to make mistakes, even if it does sometimes happen (fortunately, rarely), and I try to follow my human GPS - Diane's - instructions. All while being cheerful, a tad annoying and adorable, at least that's what Diane says!
I will quickly summarise my season: We travelled with friends to many new places, there were numerous very interesting smells, I got to have several showers each day to cool off (I was so hot), I enjoyed biscuits that Diane baked for us (if you have the chance to try them you'll be impressed), I received care worthy of Olympic athletes (thanks to Diana and Julie and lots of cuddles), and I got to sleep in a bed ( a privilege of competing). I lived the good life!
When do we start again?
(Photo credit: Lise Paquette and François Fournier)
Call Name: Elias
Australian Shepherd
Owners: Joanne Brassard, Gerry Brault, A. Slauenwhite & C. Veinot
Handler: Joanne Brassard
Breeders: Angela Slauenwhite & Collin Veinot
Date of Birth: February 20, 2012
What a thrilling accomplishment for our team! I can never thank Elias's breeders Angela Slauenwhite and Collin Veinot of Novacoast Australian Shepherds in Nova Scotia, enough for choosing this wonderful dog for us.
Elias was born on February 20, 2012, and yes, he is now 11 years old, still active, and playful!
It is a privilege to be his handler and partner in many dog sports. We have met wonderful people and enjoyed a world of enriching experiences.
(Photo credit: Emie Tremblay)
#4 – AGMCHV2 AGMCHS GCH Wathaman's Youottab N Pictures VS RM CGN AGSCS MXPS CDX JTXS
Call Name: Emmy
Owner: Michelle Whistlecraft
Handler: Michelle Whistlecraft
Breeders: Heather Smith & Erin Smith
Date of Birth: February 16, 2014
We are thrilled that Emmy has landed in the CKC 2022 Top 10 All-Breed Agility Stats – for a second year in a row!
Emmy is a fantastic teammate – even though she is semi-retired (at the age of 9 years!) she continues to show her love of Agility on both sides of the border. In 2022, she achieved two Agility championships from the veteran’s division in the Canadian Kennel Club (AGMCHV and AGMCHV2), and on January 1, 2023, she achieved her agility championship from the preferred division in the American Kennel Club (PACH).
Her achievements aren't limited to the Agility ring as she competes in a variety of other performance events (Obedience, Rally, Drafting), and in her younger years obtained her Grand Championship in Conformation and took time off to produce one litter.
Her consistent versatility has earned her a Versatility Excellent award from both the Rottweiler Club of Canada and the American Rottweiler Club; and her talented offspring have resulted in her qualifying as a Bronze Producer with the American Rottweiler Club.
We would like to thank Emmy's breeder, Wathaman Rottweilers, for continuing to produce Rottweilers that truly meet the breed's standard.
Lastly, we would like to thank our friends and supporters in the dog show community; and the dedicated volunteers who make dog events possible for all of us to enjoy!
#5 – AGMCH GCHB Valifyre Without A Trace S NP
Call Name: Vanish
Owners: Anneli Hilton
Handlers: Anneli Hilton & Tara Thomas (Conformation)
Breeders: Kelley Laan, Case Laan & Constance Wigmore
Date of Birth: May 26, 2018
I truly believe your dogs find you when you need them, and I know the day four years ago when Kelley reached out to me was meant to be. There was never a doubt that the performance prospect she had for me was meant to be. Vanish has turned out to be the most versatile all-around boy I ever could have asked for.
In 2022, Vanish was piloted around the Conformation ring to his Grand Champion Bronze with handler Tara Thomas. After hours watching from the sidelines learning, I decided to take the plunge and step into the Conformation ring so I could show Vanish myself. I had the pleasure of taking Vanish into the ring for his last show and earned a Group 1! I was so proud to be on the end of that leash with my gorgeous boy, and he knew it!
Vanish isn't just a pretty face though, he dabbles in many other sports as well. He has fallen in love with Sprinter and has earned a few titles for running very fast! Vanish also loves Barn Hunt and getting his fringes full of straw hunting for gerbils. He also excels in scent detection and has started scent hurdle training.
Our main focus and activity, however, is Agility. Vanish plays Agility in three different organizations, CKC, Agility Association of Canada, and UKI. He has earned Regional and National placements in AAC as well as a multitude of titles in all three organizations. His future is very bright, and I am so excited to see where it takes us!
None of this would be possible without my fabulous breeders Kelley and Case Laan, Constance Wigmore and sire owner Nancy Lopaschuk. Thank you for your continued support.
(Photo credit: Niki Parsoni)
Call Name: Bria
Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren)
Owners: Theda Pretsell & Natalie Vivian
Handler: Theda Pretsell
Breeders: Natalie Vivian & Claudia Johnson
Date of Birth: November 26, 2012
We are so proud of our girl Bria; she has surpassed all the goals we hoped for.
We have so much fun together; we are a team connected. We have come a long way from running a noise-sensitive girl that was frightened of the teeter after the bang.
I really need to thank my husband Michael, who has supported us all the way from driving us to training and even is our personal course builder. We are not a fancy running team, but we have fun, but she always makes me smile no matter what happens in the ring.
(Photo credit: Lindy Martin Photography)
#7 – AGMCHS Amitola Yuma Donnacona NPS
Call Name: Yuma
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Owner: Louise Couillard
Handler: Louise Couillard
Breeders: Tessa Robillard & Josée Arsenault
Date of Birth: April 6, 2018
Yuma, a Cavalier King Charles who defied the odds from birth with his tricolour coat, has always exceeded my expectations in both temperament and athleticism.
He is a worthy representative of his breed for his personality, his calm, playful, affectionate, and sociable temperament. His loyalty is beyond reproach.
Yuma has the confidence and drive to be precise and to do well, essential qualities to succeed in this discipline, making him a passionate and talented agility competitor. He is a real pleasure to work with.
I would like to thank Diane Guillotte and Suzanne Labrie, my coaches for the past few years, who, through their knowledge and experience, have contributed to our success through fun and play, leading us to a greater bond and tangible achievements.
In closing, a special thank you to Tessa Robillard and Josée Arsenault, dedicated breeders who spare no effort to improve this extraordinary breed, and without whom I would not be living this dream.
Call Name: Jake
Golden Retriever
Owner: Kirk Peterman
Handler: Kirk Peterman
Breeder: Majesty Golden
Date of Birth: October 25, 2013
Jake has been an awesome teammate. We've learned Agility together and become stronger every year. He runs with a permanent goofy smile on his face; that look always makes me happy. Jake had a great 2022 with many accomplishments and milestones; he's getting better with age. Thank you to Majesty Golden for Jake; he's a beauty; Leslie Dawson North-Just4Dogs for pushing us and teaching us to be a great Agility team; Dr. Laura Taylor, who helps keeps Jake in top shape, our fellow classmates and competitors who make the agility community so much fun, and my wife Tina who's there every step, supporting our Agility obsession.
Thank you, Jakey; we've had quite a ride that has many miles to go. I appreciate the many hours of hard work you've put in by my side with that goofy smile. You're a great role model and mentor for the 3 other members of our team. You've set the bar high for Gunny Highway, Grizzly Adams, and Elvis. Thanks for running with me. Can't wait to see what we can accomplish in 2023!
Jakey, you're my BIG BUDDY!
#9 – AGMCHV2 Auldscotia Destn2shyn Aceilidh MXP AGSC
Call Name: Dazzle
Bearded Collie
Owner: Leslie Dawson-North
Handler: Leslie Dawson-North
Breeder: Lisa Danchuk
Date of Birth: January 5, 2013
Dazzle has been doing Agility from the day I brought her home 10 years ago. We have had quite the journey together over the years. She has made me a better handler, and we have learned so much together. She loves the speed of the game and just loves to run, and that is one reason I decided to teach Running Contacts. That was a venture in itself. It has been such a privilege to have such an amazing Team partner and be able to excel in this awesome sport.
We have gone on to win many events over the years, competing in multiple venues of Agility such as the CKC Spectacular, AAC Regionals and National Championships, UKI Cup Event winning Top 24" dog, as well as attending multiple Canadian Team Tryout events. One of the most memorable was winning the AAC Alberta/ NWT Regional Championships in 2021 in the 20" Reg Division & 2022 16" Vet Division. I was so proud to be standing on the Top Podium with my BC… Bearded collie!
Dazzle has been the CKC #9Top Dog All Breed in Agility the past few years, as well as being the CKC Top Agility Bearded Collie. She was still running consistently and still loving the game, and we were looking forward to this upcoming year of competitions. Unfortunately, this January, Dazzle had a serious injury during a competition where she suffered a fully ruptured cruciate and torn meniscus. She has had surgery and is doing rehab and is on the road to recovery. What her future holds in regard to Agility is yet to be seen, but she will always be my special girl whatever the outcome is.
Cherish every moment you have with your Team partner, as you never know if it will be your last run!
#10 – AGMCHS AGMCH Foxgrove's Ignite Your Soul AGMXJS2 AGSCS DJA XP
Call Name: Arson
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Owner: Anneli Hilton
Handler: Anneli Hilton
Breeders: Diane Loiseau & Susan Kish
Date of Birth: January 2, 2012
Eleven years ago, when I was asked by Arson's breeder Diane, what I was looking for in my Toller, I told her all these lovely traits that would make the best fit for my pack. After a bit more pushing from her and my good friend Terry Simons, I said I wanted to represent Canada on the world stage with a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Having been successful at an international level with my two Papillons, it was going to be a goal with my first Toller. Diane picked my puppy from the litter and gave me the canvas to achieve this.
Arson is the most bomb-proof, well-balanced boy that brings me joy every single day. He is an absolute clown most days but very serious about working when the time comes. Arson has represented Canada at two Agility World Championships, and being the only Toller there, I can even say he was the best Toller in the world! Arson and I have also had the immense pleasure of representing Canada at the AKC Invitational four years in a row earning Top International Dog honours each year. On top of his CKC achievements, Arson has many Regional and National placements and performance titles in Agility with the Agility Association of Canada.
When not playing Agility, Arson can be found playing Dock Dogs, Scent Detection and Disc Dog. Everything this boy does is with gusto and extreme enthusiasm, but most of all, he is the perfect companion.
Of course, none of this is possible without an awesome breeder who puts great thought into their breeding program. I am forever grateful to Diane Loiseau and Susan Kish for giving me the privilege to share my life with this boy.
(Photo credit: Chipperfield Photography)