The CKC Election Commission (BDO Canada LLP) has officially confirmed the election of the following 2015-2017 Board Members:
Zone 1 Nova Scotia, Newfoundland & Labrador - Lendra Barker
Zone 2 New Brunswick and PEI - H. Brian Reid
Zone 3 Quebec - Linda St-Hilaire
Zone 4 Ontario North - Richard Paquette
Zone 5 Ontario East - Robert Rowbotham
Zone 6 Ontario West - Paul Oslach
Zone 7 Ontario Central - Peter Laventhall-Wolfish
Zone 8 Manitoba - Larry Kereluke
Zone 9 Saskatchewan - David Gilmour
Zone 10 Alberta, NWT & Nunavut - Dennis Sumara
Zone 11 B.C. Southwest - Joan Bennett
Zone 12 B.C. Interior & Yukon - Russell (Sandy) Fletcher
To review the vote breakdown for the official election results, please
click here.
Official Results of the 2014 Referendums
To view details from the Election Commission's final report regarding the votes cast for and against each of the proposed by-law amendments, please
click here.
Once again, thank you to all members that took the time to vote and congratulations to all those elected.