Polling of the Membership for Miscellaneous/Listed Breed Status (AUVERGNE POINTER)
At the Board held in March 2006, the Board passed an amendment to the Policy & Procedures Manual, Procedure RG004-Procedure for Recognition of New Breeds, effective September 1, 2006.
In accordance with this policy, the Board at their March 2016 Meeting, approved the request for the AUVERGNE POINTER – BRAQUE D’AUVERGNE to be polled by membership to be included as a listed breed for competition purposes.
To vote online, simply enter your membership number, then go to membership services/publish for comment/polling of membership.
You can have the polling sheet mailed directly to you. Please call 1-800-250-8040 toll-free to order your copy. Deadline for submission is June 30, 2016.