The CKC is excited to announce the launch of Sprinter on July 1 2018. Sprinter is a fun event open to all dogs

to enjoy the challenge of running a 100-meter dash. All dogs entered will receive a handicap score based on their height, and their time to finish will be converted to kilometers per hour. Titles are awarded upon the dog accumulating a given number of points.
CKC Recognized Lure Coursing Clubs are approved to hold Sprinter Events. All other CKC Recognized clubs that are interested and have the resources available may apply to shows & trials to host the event. They must have the equipment, experienced lure coursing operators and the proper location to hold a safe event.
In order to jump-start this program, the CKC is waiving all late fees for clubs applying to hold this event in 2018. A club may hold unlimited number of events, but a maximum of 2 per day. Book Your Sprinter event now by contacting the Shows & Trials Division.
The Sprinter Rulebook is now available through the order desk and online under Forms>Shows & Trials>Event Rules & Regulations>Sprinter Rules & Regulations.
All other forms required for the event are now available online and through the order desk.