CKC has learned that the l’Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec (OMVQ) has rescinded its ban on veterinary procedures. Based on the advice of its legal counsel, the College has confirmed that it does not have the regulatory authority to prohibit veterinary or non-veterinary procedures. As such, the College has revised its position statement on cropping and docking accordingly. (Position sur la caudectomie et l’essorillement - French. View English translation.
This is an important update that will be welcome news to many of our Quebec breeders and puppy owners since the ban was first implemented in January 2017.
CKC advocates freedom of choice for breeders who choose to engage a veterinary medical professional to carry out procedures such as cropping, docking and dewclaw removal, based on the function of the dog, to promote safety in performance activities and support hygienic animal husbandry.