The Canadian Kennel Club is excited to announce we’ve partnered with ROYAL CANIN® to bring science-based, education and resources to our CKC member breeders.
“ROYAL CANIN works with thousands of breeders, international Kennel Clubs, non-profit organizations, and industry experts dedicated to advancing the health & wellbeing of purebred dogs in Canada, and globally,” said Jeff Cornett, Executive Director at the CKC. “They’ve been providing programs and education, supported by a Board-Certified Theriogenologist, for decades and we are excited to build off this experience to co-create e-learning opportunities for CKC member breeders.”
Building links with industry helps CKC leverage professional expertise and research, and ensures the breeder community is actively engaged in designing our own future. To learn more about the partners & affiliates we’ve partnered with to support the mission, vision, and values of the Canadian Kennel Club, and our CKC members, visit