The CKC has invested in expanding the Shows & Trials team to process and post official results more efficiently.
Given the desire to improve the efficiency of results posting and reflecting that in 2023 results were entered within 30 days and posted within 60 days on average, the Board of Directors passed a new rule in 2023. Effective January 1, 2024, the new rule states that exhibitors have up to 90 days following an event to request a correction to official CKC results.
We encourage exhibitors to check their results with CanuckDog's unofficial posting and confirm the official results when available on the member portal. Results will typically occur within 60 days, although some results may be delayed due to results issues or late submission to CKC.
The CKC will not consider any request for corrections to results if received more than 90 days following the date(s) of the event(s).