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Members of Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) Vote to Prohibit “Cosmetic” Tail Docking

Following our update last week, the MVMA held their Annual General Meeting on January 24th where their members voted in favour of amending the MVMA bylaws to prohibit performing “cosmetic” tail docking on canines. The by-law change, proposed in mid-2024, is effective immediately. An MVMA consultation was conducted in 2024 and CKC made a submission on behalf of our members.

CKC breed standards do not require dogs’ tails to be docked for competition. We support our members to work with their licensed veterinarians to determine what is best for the health of their dogs. In turn, we also support veterinarians having scope of practice and discretion to determine what is best for the health of their patients. This may include tail docking for preventative and/or therapeutic reasons, based on the function of the dog, while ensuring canine well-being, and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

We would like to thank those who are members of CKC and MVMA for speaking out at the MVMA AGM, in support of veterinary autonomy, CKC members and the health and well-being of purebred dogs. If you have any questions or comments, please contact us via
AccueilHome > News > 2025 > January > Members of Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) Vote to Prohibit “Cosmetic” Tail Docking