2022 Top Herding Dogs
2022 was an exciting year for Herding in a Canada as not one, but two brilliant dogs tied for the Top Spot! Denny, a Border Collie from Saskatchewan earned the honour in his first year of trialing. Kaique, an Australian Shepherd from Quebec also takes the top spot. Kaique loves the thrill of Herding and always aims to please his owner/handler Elizabeth.
Herding tests and trials are open to all breeds. The sport requires dogs to move a group of livestock (ducks, sheep or cattle) through a designated course of gates and into a pen. Guided by the commands of their handlers, the dogs must be forceful enough to maintain control of the stock, yet quiet enough not to panic or scatter the herd.
The Canadian Kennel Club proudly congratulates Denny and Kaique as well as their human teammates on their achievements! Two incredible dogs that share the Top Herding Dog title for 2022!
#1 – Sommer Denny HAS
Call Name: Denny
Border Collie
Owners: Christine & Matt Garrity
Handler: Brandy-Lee Frazlic
Breeders: Bev & Norm Sommer
Date of Birth: September 14, 2020
Interview with Christine Garrity
We are so excited to be sharing this Top Dog spot!
2022 was Denny’s first year trialing and he certainly did not disappoint! Denny and one of his favorite people, Brandy-Lee Fazlic, had a great time earning their Started, Intermediate, and Advanced Sheep titles as well as 3 High in Trials and 4 Reserve High in Trials all in three weekends. Thank you Brandy-Lee and Chinook Dog Centre for starting us on this journey of learning and competing in Herding!
Appreciation and gratitude goes out to the clubs, hosts and judges for all your hard work. We are so fortunate to have so many trials in our province to grow our sport and enjoy our new found favorite activity.
Denny absolutely LOVES herding, and I would like to say a huge thank you and congratulations to his breeders Bev and Norm Sommer for breeding so many generations of talented Herding dogs.
Enjoy your dog, enjoy your breed and enjoy your dog sport journey - Happy Training Everyone!
#1 – Chuckanut Kaique of Alphabet SDIS HAS
Call Name: Kaique
Australian Shepherd
Owner: Elizabeth B-Richard
Handler: Elizabeth B-Richard
Breeder: Jan M Wesen
Date of Birth: April 15, 2018
Interview with Elizabeth B-Richard
I am proud to be the Owner/Handler/Trainer of 2022’s #1 Herding Top Dog, Chuckanut Kaique of Alphabet, aka "Kaique". I have been involved in Herding for 16 years. While studying Animal Health and Agronomy, I began to work with livestock from a young age. I have a small farm where I train my own dogs and help my friends learn how to use their dogs as well. I have been competing in trials in different associations for the past 10 years.
I have always had Australian Shepherds. It was natural for me to bond with a breed that wants to please, wants to help move stock with and help me in whatever I need to do. My first dog was named "Z". I got into strong working lines after him.
Kaique came into my life in 2018. I got him from my mentor Jan M Wesen. I use to meet Jan in the USA few times a year to train my dogs. When "Jewel", my favorite dog of hers, had a litter sired by "Mouzer", I had no choice but to get a puppy! Kaique's name is inspired by Kaique Pacheco, a PBR Bull Riding Champion. I knew he was going to be different than the others and really good at doing what he enjoys the most: Herding!
Kaique is really natural on stock. He has a good sense of group, tons of self-control, strong eyes, grip on the nose if needed, speed and he always wants to please me. I enjoy trialing with him, as he is fuelled by the thrill of the game. He likes to work all types of stock, but will choose the sheep overall. We also do other sports together such as winter sledding, barn hunting, and hiking.
I am happy to have reached this title with him.
Thank you to all my friends for supporting me into that journey.
(Photo credit: Sarah Servais)