CKC is pleased to report that the Quebec government, after finding there was no scientific consensus that

breed specific legislation (BSL) is effective or enforceable, will be amending Bill 128 by removing the breed-specific provisions that deemed select breeds as potentially dangerous. Public Security Minister Martin Coiteux has made it clear that Bill 128 will move forward with stricter rules in place regarding dog breeders and dangerous dogs, regardless of breed, in order to protect the citizens of Quebec.
Bill 128 was introduced in early 2017 and proposed breed-specific laws with the capacity to ban dogs listed as potentially dangerous province-wide and opened the door for new breeds to be added at any time. CKC, along with a number of like-minded organizations, recently presented to the Quebec Parliamentary Committee during special consultations and public hearings for
Bill 128, which took place in March 2018.
The City of Montreal also held public consultations this spring in preparation for a new animal control bylaw, after suspending its breed-specific laws on December 20, 2017. The new Montreal animal control bylaw is expected mid-June. Thanks to all of our members who participated in the Montreal consultations, provided feedback on Bill 128 and made their voice count.
CKC has always maintained that well-crafted dangerous dog legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory—along with public awareness and education, stronger enforcement of existing bylaws and stiffer penalties for irresponsible owners—is more effective at protecting the public.
The Quebec legislation is expected to be updated before the National Assembly closes for the summer and will be shared with members once available.