Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) has issued Certificates of Approval for both the
2016 and
2017 Referendums.
Changes to our By-laws became effective as of July 24, 2019. Over the next little while the Club will make any necessary changes to our official documents (i.e. forms, policies, etc.) and a new By-laws booklet will soon be available for viewing on the CKC website. A notice will follow once the booklet has been printed and be available for distribution for those who wish to receive a hard copy.
To review the full list of 2016 & 2017 by-law amendments, please
click here.
For more information, please review our
FAQs here.
Key Highlights
- Membership Categories: We were unsuccessful in having our application approved to amend Section 7.1 MEMBERSHIP from the 2017 Referendum. This was a proposal to define the categories of membership as well as rights and privileges in Club Policy so that it would be easier to make amendments whenever categories are either re-named or new categories introduced as the Club offers new added value programs. AAFC advises that requirements for membership must be established in by-laws according to the Animal Pedigree Act; however, there was an indication that there may be some other options which will be discussed with AAFC in the future.
- New Breeds and ROE: No new breeds or ROE were approved at this time, but we will continue our communications with AAFC in this regard.
- All other by-law amendments were approved as submitted.
If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us at