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New Quebec Dangerous Dog Legislation, Effective March 3, 2020

Quebec dog owners are now subject to new regulations under the new dangerous dog legislation—An Act to promote the protection of persons by establishing a framework with regard to dogs—that took effect March 3, 2020. Under the updated legislation, municipalities must enforce the province's regulations. Note that a municipality can pass its own stricter rules, if it so chooses.
The new legislation obligates veterinary surgeons and physicians to report all dog-inflicted injuries to humans or domestic animals and allows a local municipality to have a dog examined by a veterinary surgeon that it chooses to evaluate the dog’s condition and dangerousness. The new law also provides that the local municipality order that the dog be euthanized or prohibits the owner or custodian from owning a dog, should the dog be declared potentially dangerous.
In June 2019, CKC and our members provided feedback on the proposed Quebec Dangerous Dog Legislation. As a result, the government has made a provision for dog events regarding leash and halter restrictions and we continue to obtain amendments that benefit our members. CKC also worked to, and continues to support, the efforts of a working group mandated by the Quebec government to provide recommendations on the new legislation regarding dangerous dogs.
CKC strongly supports well-crafted dangerous dog legislation that is reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory, and serves to protect the public—in support of responsible dog ownership.

For further information, please visit:
Regulations for New Legislation – Gazette officielle du Québec
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