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Search Results

Origin Likely of the same origin as other European water dogs, this rustic multi-purpose breed has been used for centuries in the Andalusian region of southern Spain to assist in herding, hunting and fishing. Temperament This adaptable breed is faithful, obedient,...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Herding-Dogs/Spanish-Water-Dog 2/6/2014 1:31:32 PM
Origin Sometimes called “the grey ghost of Weimar,” this steel-grey sporting breed was developed in Germany at the court of the Grand Duke Karl August of Weimar as an all-purpose gun dog for the nobility. The breed was thought to have been perfected about 1810 and was ca...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Sporting-Dogs/Weimaraner 2/6/2014 1:32:11 PM
Origin A Toy breed that originated in Germany, the Affenpinscher has been documented in works of art dating back to the 15th century. The name means “monkey terrier” and well describes the appearance presented by the foreshortened, bewhiskered face. Temperament A ...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Toy-Dogs/Affenpinscher 2/6/2014 1:36:36 PM
Origin The largest – and perhaps the oldest – of the four Swiss mountain breeds, the ‘Swissy’ descended from mastiffs that accompanied Caesar’s invading legions. Like the Bernese Mountain Dog, this breed was used to assist the farmer and butcher by guarding and driving l...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Working-Dogs/Greater-Swiss-Mountain-Dog 2/6/2014 1:47:32 PM
Capturing the momentum of the successful Rules of Eligibility (ROE) referendum last year, the CKC is looking to move 17 listed breeds toward Full Recognition in this fall’s Special Referendum.
/en/News/2016/June/CKC-Listed-Breeds-and-Rules-of-Eligibility-Suppo 6/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
Origin Largest of the Japanese Spitz breeds, the Akita was originally bred to hunt large game such as bear, deer and wild boar. The breed dates back approximately 300 years and takes its name from the Prefecture of Akita in northern Japan. In 1931, the Japanese Ministry ...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Working-Dogs/Akita 2/6/2014 1:43:45 PM
Origin Also known as Lapinkoira (Lapland dog), the Finnish Lapphund traces back to the historic hunting, and later herding dog of the Sami people who lived in regions of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia above the Arctic Circle. The breed is a natural herder, used origi...
/en/Choosing-a-Dog/Choosing-a-Breed/Herding-Dogs/Finnish-Lapphund 2/6/2014 1:12:10 PM
Breeder Education   Coming Soon! Stay tuned for more updates.
/en/Breeding-Dogs/Integrated-Breed-Health-Program/Breeder-Education 6/26/2023 3:35:26 PM
At their September 2015 Meeting, the Board approved the request for the RUSSELL TERRIER to be included as a listed breed for competition purposes and to poll the members.
/en/News/2015/November/Polling-of-the-Members-for-Listed-Breed-Status-RU 11/16/2015 12:00:00 AM
The CKC is reaching to breeders and owners of those breeds that do not have a national breed club to solicit your feedback on proposed changes to docking, cropping and dewclaw removal.
/en/News/2017/May/Publish-for-Comment-Proposed-Breed-Standard-Amend 5/31/2017 12:00:00 AM
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