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December 2020

The Canadian Kennel Club welcomes the Australian Kelpie, the Lagotto Romagnolo and the Portuguese Sheepdog.

The Canadian Kennel Club warmly welcomes the Australian Kelpie, The Lagotto Romagnolo and The Portuguese Sheepdog in this 4th and final blog series on our newly recognized breeds! 
Canada, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Lagotto Romagnolo, Meet the Breeds Canada, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Lagotto Romagnolo, Meet the Breeds
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"It is with great pride that I am pleased to announce that the Newfoundland (All Breed) Kennel Club (NKC) hosted one fabulous indoor show weekend from November 20th to the 22nd during the Covid-19 Pandemic."

Well for those of you who have been to Newfoundland & Labrador, there is one thing you already know. The folks of our beautiful province have incredible spirit and perseverance.  
breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, Junior Handling, obedience breeder, Canada, CKC member, Conformation, Dog Show, Feel Good, Junior Handling, obedience
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The Canadian Kennel Club warmly welcomes the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, the Black Russian Terrier, and the Spanish Water Dog.

Meet the Black Russian Terrier, The Spanish Water Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd in our third blog introducing the Canadian Kennel Club's newly recognized breeds. 
breeder, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds breeder, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds
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How to give great gifts AND support fellow CKC members at the same time

We all know how important it is to support small businesses and our friends in the dog community this year.
Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Tips Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Holiday, Ian Lynch, Tips
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An Ode to Obedience Trials
December 04, 2020

"Now, in the absence of trials as we knew them, I realize there was both familiarity and comfort in many of the details of competition I hadn’t recognized before."

Like so many of you, I’ve spent large chunks of my adult life in obedience venues. My perception at the time was that there was pleasure in a few brief moments of any trial day, but that you had to plow through a considerable amount of tedium to harvest it.
Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, judging, obedience Canada, Dog Show, Feel Good, judging, obedience
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