At the risk of sounding as if all I do is travel and attend shows, I want to share my experience from this year’s Junior Handling Nationals Championships. I had the privilege of receiving an invitation from the Conception Bay Kennel Club to attend the Junior Nationals held during their show in Bay Roberts, Newfoundland last month. This was my 3
rd Junior Nationals as ED of the CKC.
One of the things I learned is that a small club can certainly put on a big show! Granted, the club had a head start with traditional Newfoundland hospitality, the club created an environment of organized chaos and positive spirit. When it was time for the Junior Handling Finalists to compete, the show stopped and the entire focus turned to the Juniors. You could hear a pin drop by the time the winners were announced. It was wonderful to see everyone come together to support the Juniors and give them their-well deserved time in the spotlight. Congratulations again to Caroline Holicka (Conformation winner) and Chantal Ratté (Obedience winner)! I don’t think anyone will be surprised to hear how, every competitor displayed high levels of skill, maturity and professionalism. Their love of the sport is almost tangible... I recall one competitor that took the time to speak with me and explain the performance of his dog, the nuances of the breed and even some grooming tips. All the while he was probably anxious about the event he was about to compete in.