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September 2019

DSC_2093.JPGWith 175 recognized breeds from seven different groups, there is a lot to know about each breed’s unique natural instincts and characteristics. Whether you are looking to add a purebred dog to your family, or you’re just curious, attending a “Meet the Breeds” event is a great way to learn about the different temperaments and needs of each breed. 
The Manitoba Working and Herding Association hosts a Meet the Breeds event annually at the Red River EX!. 

Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Meet the Breeds Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Meet the Breeds
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Dogs and Skateboards
September 13, 2019
X8IOutbdTui6nljm4TLP_iStock-1061822610.jpgI personally have never had a dog who reacts towards skateboards. However, many of my friends have had this issue with their dogs and since I live in downtown Toronto, a day does not go by in the spring, summer and fall where I don’t see a dog freak out as a skateboard rolls by. Dogs being reactive to skateboards is common since skateboards seem to pop out everywhere there is pavement.

While some dogs see a skateboard and react with their prey drive, others react in fear. A number of factors make dogs anxious towards skateboards.
Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training Canada, FAQs, Feel Good, How to, Ian Lynch, obedience, training
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Leila-3.jpgOn August 16, the staff at CKC had the pleasure of celebrating Leila Bahorie, Director Registration and Membership Services, as she marked her 45thanniversary at CKC. This major service milestone offers a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the many positive contributions Leila has made throughout the past 45 years. 

When Leila started with CKC, she was a teenager and new in Canada from Guyana. She found a job with an organization that recognized her talents and ambitions without having local work experience. One might even say that CKC took a chance on her- Leila flourished in that environment. 
Lance Novak Lance Novak
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Five Essential Dog Show Words
September 03, 2019
p2avl09SH6i7VMdbl4d5_FinnishLapphund-Eija-Lehtimaki.jpg5 terms you should understand as you enter the world of showing dogs

When you enter the world of dog shows, there’s so much to remember: your ring time, which ring you’re in, not to mention all the actual handling tips and techniques you’ve accumulated. There’s also tons of great conversations to have with all your “dog friends” who are actually humans. There are dozens of dog show terms that you will hear constantly while chatting ringside with your fellow exhibitors, but some, I feel, are very important to understand. Here are 5 dog show words you should get to know as you join the wonderful world of Conformation.

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