The following member has applied to become a Conformation Judge
The Breed Standards Committee has given approval to publish for comment amendments to the following breed standards:
The CKC year-end inventory count will take place on December 12-14, 2018.
After careful consideration, the CKC Board approved the following fee adjustments at the December 2018 Board Meeting, effective February 1, 2019:
As of December 3, 2018, WestJet has made changes to some of their fees for carrying pets in both the cabin and baggage compartment of the aircraft. Please refer to the chart below for details on pr...
The CGN Test is no longer mandatory to attain CKC Title however remains highly recommended.
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is pleased to announce that Joan Bennett, Zone 11 Representative, has been elected Chair of CKC’s Board of Directors.
The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Richard Meen.
The Event Officiating Committee is seeking volunteers to serve as Observers as part of the Conformation Judge Observer Program. The Observer Program has been developed in an effort to maintain...
The following club(s) has/have applied for CKC recognition and has/have complied with the requirements as set out in Chapter V, Club Policy, of the Policy & Procedures Manual with regard to submitt...