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Search Results

Manitobans were in for a real treat when they stopped by the fourth annual Meet the Breeds Event at the Red River Exhibition, June 12 to June 22, 2015.
/en/News/2015/July/Terrific-Turnout-at-Manitoba-Meet-the-Breeds-Event 7/7/2015 12:00:00 AM
It was all wagging tales and wet noses at this year’s Woofstock in the Toronto beaches and CKC was there to greet the dog-loving crowds and spread the word about the benefits of purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership.
/en/News/2015/October/Wooftastic-Time-at-Woofstock 10/9/2015 12:00:00 AM
CKC is in the process of developing a line of CKC-branded merchandise and to support the program’s success, we are seeking your input.
/en/News/2017/September/CKC-Wants-Your-Opinion 9/5/2017 12:00:00 AM
Please ensure that you are entering your dog in the right class with respect to “A” or “B”.
/en/News/2017/September/Notice-to-Rally-Obedience-Trial-Exhibitors 10/2/2017 12:00:00 AM
The Canadian Kennel Club is pleased to announce that the indigenous dog of the Canadian arctic -- the Canadian Eskimo Dog (CED) -- has been officially accepted by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
/en/News/2018/June/Canadian-Eskimo-Dogs-Gain-FCI-Recognition 6/19/2018 12:00:00 AM
Several weeks ago, CKC staff concluded a testing phase on the Shows & Trials module and began processing Conformation events to calculate points and generate corresponding titles.
/en/News/2020/June/Shows-Trials-Update-Conformation-Event-Processi 6/29/2020 12:00:00 AM
A Temporary Competition Number must be obtained before submitting an entry for an event ...
/en/News/2022/August/Temporary-Competition-Numbers-How-To-Get-One 8/31/2022 12:00:00 AM
We caught up with the owners of Canada’s Top Ten Show Dogs to find more about these Conformation stars ...
/en/News/2023/April/Top-Show-Dogs-2022 4/28/2023 12:00:00 AM
All puppies need to socialize. However, socializing your puppy doesn’t mean walking down the same street, to the same park and meeting the same dogs. It’s very important to get your puppy out and about, to be socialized to the world around him. Set goals and meet them daily. M...
/en/Raising-My-Dog/Training/Socialization 2/9/2014 5:32:04 PM

/en/Home/Second-Column-Callouts/INTERNATIONAL-PARTNERSHIP-FOR-DOGS 2/4/2020 12:35:57 PM
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