Have you ever wanted to talk to your dog while in the show ring or find out what she really thinks about the stud you are breeding her with? Well, the CKC is extremely excited to announce the next CKC seminar, Canine Second Language with Dr. William Blundell, DVM Phd.
A pioneer of CSL and well-respected veterinarian, Blundell started developing his method of communication 20 years ago while living in the bush of Tanzania with his dear friends, husband and wife animal specialists, Otto and Sabine Krämer. Originally, he intended it only for personal use as a way to communicate with the 4 dogs he shares his home with in scenic Welland, Ontario. But, after a few years and some heart-to-heart talks with his dogs, he decided to share this gift with others and teach pet owners to actually “hear” what their canine companions are saying and how to speak back.
“Dogs are some of the most well spoken and articulate beings on earth” says Blundell of the canine species, “they deserve to be recognized for their humour and smarts.”

In 2010, Blundell received notoriety in Germany from running exclusive classes at the Universität Witten Herdecke. The following year, Blundell was sought out by the Veterinary College to run private courses for members, and now we are excited to do the same! In the past, his CSL courses have run for 4 weeks and filled up quickly, but he has created a “CKC crash course” one-day seminar to make this invaluable knowledge available for members. Whether you are looking to deepen the bond you share with your dog, improve their performance in the show ring, or talk them through grooming, this course is sure to impress.
While Blundell’s teachings are being met with rave reviews from most, they do have their fair share of critics. Some local groups believe that it not only violates the privacy of canine-to-canine communication, but believe that it is also technically impossible to communicate with dogs in their own language of barks, woofs and grunts. Blundell says of his critics, “What do they know, they only speak human”.
IMPORTANT: Due to the unique and popular nature of this seminar, seating is extremely limited.
Click here to register!
Saturday May 5th, 2018 @ 9:00am
Location CKC Head Office
Cost for CKC Members: no charge
Cost for Non-Members: $50 + HST