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From the big and brawny to the light, bouncy and so much in between - meet Canada's Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2023!
breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, dog breeds, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, popular breeds, Tips, top 10, Top 10 Dog Breeds breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, dog breeds, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, popular breeds, Tips, top 10, Top 10 Dog Breeds
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Why Choose a Purebred Dog?
January 17, 2024

Every dog deserves a wonderful home and every wonderful home deserves to have a dog who is the perfect fit for them.
Advocacy, breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, purebred, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips Advocacy, breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, purebred, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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I​n this edition of "the Dish", a Canadian Kennel Club member shares his ideas on how we can promote purebred dogs in our day-to-day lives. 
Advocacy, breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, pet health, purebred dogs, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips Advocacy, breeder, breeding, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, pet health, purebred dogs, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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Robust, intelligent and agile

In this edition of "The Dish", we meet the Appenzeller Sennenhund. A breed that has recently joined the Herding Group as a Listed Breed.
Appenzeller Sennenhund, breeder, Canada, Feel Good, Herding Group, Ian Lynch, interview, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, training Appenzeller Sennenhund, breeder, Canada, Feel Good, Herding Group, Ian Lynch, interview, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, training
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The Biewer Terrier is now eligible to compete as a Listed Breed in the Toy Group.

This edition of "The Dish" will introduce you this tri-colored toy terrier whose only purpose in life is to love and be loved.
Biewer Terrier, breeder, Canadian, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips Biewer Terrier, breeder, Canadian, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Listed Breed, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips
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Purebred Dogs made a triumphant return to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair right on time for their 100th anniversary!

Read all about the shows, demonstrations and “Meet the Breeds” in this week’s edition of “The Dish”.  
Advocacy, breeder, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Tips Advocacy, breeder, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Tips
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Meet the Sussex Spaniel
November 22, 2022

Loyal, friendly and easy-going, the Sussex Spaniel is a lovable member of the Sporting Group.

Learn more about this incredible rare breed in this week’s edition of “The Dish”. 

Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Sussex Spaniel Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Sussex Spaniel
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Meet the Dalmatian
September 07, 2022

Athletic and intelligent, the Dalmatian excels at many dog sports.

Learn more about this energetic member of the Non-Sporting Group in this week’s edition of “The Dish”.
breeder, Canada, CKC member, Dalmatian, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership breeder, Canada, CKC member, Dalmatian, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, pet health, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership
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Meet the Silky Terrier
August 18, 2022

Bright, spunky, and adaptable, the Silky Terrier makes a devoted pet.

Learn more about this charming member of the Toy Group in this week’s edition of “The Dish”.

Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Silky Terrier Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Silky Terrier
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Meet the Yakutian Laika
June 21, 2022

This week’s edition of “The Dish” will introduce you to the Yakutian Laika.

Hailing from Russia’s Far East, the Yakutian Laika joins the Canadian Kennel Club’s Working Group as a Listed Breed.
Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, Yakutian Laika Breeds, Canada, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, interview, Meet the Breeds, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips, Yakutian Laika
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Meet the Akita
December 21, 2021

Strong, Clean and Courageous.

Meet the Akita in this week's edition of "The Dish".
Akita, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Tips Akita, Breeds, Canada, CKC member, FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Tips
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December 03, 2021

Fast, regal and loyal.

Meet the aristocratic Borzoi in this week's edition of "The Dish".
Borzoi, breeder, Breeds, Canadian, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership Borzoi, breeder, Breeds, Canadian, CKC member, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, pet health, Responsible Dog Ownership
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A look at Canada's incredible dog breeds!

Learn about six of them in this week's edition of "The Dish".
Breeds, Canada, Canadian, Dog, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds Breeds, Canada, Canadian, Dog, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds
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Did your favourite breed make this year’s top 10?

From the big and brawny to the light, bouncy and so much in between - meet Canada's Most Popular Dog Breeds of 2020!
Canada, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Top 10 Dog Breeds Canada, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Top 10 Dog Breeds
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The Canadian Kennel Club welcomes the Australian Kelpie, the Lagotto Romagnolo and the Portuguese Sheepdog.

The Canadian Kennel Club warmly welcomes the Australian Kelpie, The Lagotto Romagnolo and The Portuguese Sheepdog in this 4th and final blog series on our newly recognized breeds! 

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The Canadian Kennel Club warmly welcomes the Anatolian Shepherd Dog, the Black Russian Terrier, and the Spanish Water Dog.

Meet the Black Russian Terrier, The Spanish Water Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd in our third blog introducing the Canadian Kennel Club's newly recognized breeds. 

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Welcoming the Tibetan Mastiff, the Rat Terrier and the Finnish Lapphund

Meet the Tibetan Mastiff, Rat Terrier and the Finnish Lapphund in this second entry of our blog series introducing the Canadian Kennel Club’s newly recognized breeds!

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Getting out there
August 27, 2020
t8xwCzSLQxjakzywacYQ_Dog-Walk-August-2020-Susanne-10.jpgBC dog lovers gathered to promote purebred dogs

Although we all like to post photos of our dogs on our Facebook and Instagram pages, nothing really shows off how great purebred dogs are like taking them out in public. I have three dogs that all look very different (Standard Poodle, Doberman Pinscher and a Dandie Dinmont Terrier) and let me tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t have answer a question about my dogs-lately from a distance of six feet. 
BC, Canada, CKC member, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds BC, Canada, CKC member, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds
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Meet the Skye Terrier
June 09, 2020

GHGYJVATmuyHpkmqC8Qu_Ms-White-copy.jpg“Loyalty and Duty are Skye Terrier watch words and he never fails to adhere to the terms of that standard even when his owner may waiver. A Skye Terrier never forgets and never forgives.” Dr. Richard Meen.

With such a devoted nature in a size suited to city or country living with easier than it looks grooming requirements, you might be asking “Why are Skyes so rare?”. Other breeds have become more popular and with little ‘commercial’ popularity, the ownership of, and demand for Skye Terriers, has decreased. If you decide to get a Skye Terrier, you will not only be helping an endangered breed, but will probably be the only one in your neighbourhood with one. You will also get the chance to meet your neighbours often as everyone will be asking “What type of dog is that?!?”.

Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, terrier, Tips
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Meet the Leonberger
May 22, 2020

EEdjWZzmRbmTjZ0C6p0F_Archer-standing-Jan-2009.JPGA huge dog with a heart to match, the Leonberger is a whole lot of awesome when put in the right home.

Standing as tall as 31 and a half inches at the shoulder with thick yellow gold to red-brown, medium-long coat and a black masked face that holds soulful eyes – it’s hard to forget a Leonberger once you’ve met one.

FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips FAQs, Feel Good, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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Meet the Samoyed
March 30, 2020

xoIRs06SxO5vt95P1zOo_90631948_204524487278188_8942874852398727168_n.jpgWhen I was a child, my mother enrolled my American Cocker Spaniel “Peanut” and I in a dog obedience training course that was specially designed for. The course was taught by a man who owned 3 Samoyeds and brought them to every class to demonstrate exercises. Before the course I had never laid my eyes on a Samoyed before. I remember telling my mom that they looked like “stuffed animals and Christmas morning”! Since then, I have remained enchanted by the breed and am not alone. The Samoyed has fans around the world and for good reason - they are charming, intelligent and sensitive dogs.

breeder, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips breeder, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, puppy, Responsible Dog Ownership, Tips
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How to attend Westminster
January 24, 2020
Unknown-2-1.jpegMake the most of WKC as a spectator!

As a child, I watched the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show every year with my father. I used to tell my dad while watching the competition that one day I would be there. The first year I attended was the 140th annual show and Canadian Dr. Richard Meen was the Best in Show judge which was so special, ... 
Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Westminster Best in Show, Best of Breed, Best of Group, CKC Top Dogs, Conformation, Dog Show, How to, Ian Lynch, Meet the Breeds, Westminster
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DSC_2093.JPGWith 175 recognized breeds from seven different groups, there is a lot to know about each breed’s unique natural instincts and characteristics. Whether you are looking to add a purebred dog to your family, or you’re just curious, attending a “Meet the Breeds” event is a great way to learn about the different temperaments and needs of each breed. 
The Manitoba Working and Herding Association hosts a Meet the Breeds event annually at the Red River EX!. 

Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Meet the Breeds Canada, CKC member, Dog Show, Feel Good, Meet the Breeds
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