BC dog lovers gathered to promote purebred dogs
Although we all like to post photos of our dogs on our Facebook and Instagram pages, nothing really shows off how great purebred dogs are like taking them out in public. I have three dogs that all look very different (Standard Poodle, Doberman Pinscher and a Dandie Dinmont Terrier) and let me tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t have answer a question about my dogs-lately from a distance of six feet. It never annoys me because I love the fact that my dogs are walking pieces of history and I believe that attention should be paid to wonderful purebred dogs.
With so many events canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been a tough year to get our dogs seen. That’s why I was so happy when Sandi Malcom of Nanaimo, British Columbia reached out to me to let me know what she was planning out west. Sandi organized a walk on the boardwalk in Nanaimo’s downtown harbour showcasing their dogs to the general public-and they were a hit!

The socially distanced event took place on Saturday, August 8 which was a beautiful day for a walk in Nanaimo. Sandi, along with 11 other purebred dog breeders and some puppy owners from heritage breeders on Vancouver Island, all got together and walked the boardwalk.
There were dozens of interactions with the public including many questions from the public that were answered by experts. The event displayed in real life some of the great qualities purebreds have that can’t be seen through a photo and dedicated breeders. Sandi recommends other dog breeders and purebred dog owners in other cities across the country do the same thing to put purebreds into the thoughts of people.
Following the walk, many participants enjoyed a coffee at the local coffee house, sitting in proper distancing at the venue’s outside tables. They talked to lots of people there as well.
A couple came up to the group asking questions about all the dogs they had seen along the waterfront. They had walked the seawall and met each dog involved in the walk and then said to the group “thank you for the wonderful dog show”. I’m sure the event will have a lasting impression.
A second date for a Nanaimo walk is planned in September, date to be decided. Sandi will post the details on her social media and on the Canadian Kennel Club’s Facebook page.
Walks like this don’t take too much work to organize. Put the word out on you social media, create a Facebook invitation, use Twitter to alert your local press (television and radio) as well as any local blogs or websites that your event will be taking place. Take lots of photos for social media and put the event on your Instagram story or TikTok then expect your second walk to be even bigger.
Sandi would like to thanks the following participants:

Laurel Deptuch with her Afghan “Ruby”.
Sherry Deptuch with her Newfoundland “Frank”.
Tempest Deptuch with her Standard Poodle “Stuck”.
Noreen Waldron with her Shetland Sheepdog “Bobbie”.
Linda Halliday with her Long Coat Chihuahuas “Sir Elton” and “Miss Pink”.
Cherie Holmes with the Doberman Pinscher “RipCurl”.
Deanna Smith with her Old English Sheepdog “Suzi”.
Susanne Vaux with her Cane Corso “Mugsy”.
Katrina Casavant and Mitch, and Katie with Cani Corsi “Asha” and “Piper”.
And organizer Sandi Malcolm walked with Miniature Schnauzer “Sheldon” along with Lynne Smith with Miniature Schnauzer “Miss Mookie” and Diane Brown’s Miniature Schnauzers, “Bo” and “Sky”.