The final meeting of the Board of Directors that took place earlier this month was a tumultuous one for many reasons and perhaps a fitting representation of the ups and downs that were the year 2018.
The first order of business was to elect a Chair for the remainder of the 2018-2020 term. Life member, Joan Bennett from Zone 11, BC South West was appointed. Joan hit the ground running in order to complete a full agenda including items carried over from the September meeting. Joan’s background in the dog fancy as well as the legal profession will ensure an efficient and open decorum at the table. Congratulations, Joan!
With a large gallery in attendance, the meeting commenced with a moment of silence in memory of our good friend and past Chair, Larry Kereluke who continues to be sorely missed. Zone 8, Manitoba is now represented by Corrine Walker who is a seasoned CKC Life Member that is destined to bring a fresh and pragmatic approach to the table.
During the meeting, an update was provided on the ongoing project to replace and update our IT systems. As a major focus in 2018, this project was a source of ups and downs. The much-anticipated launch in the fall has been pushed back to 2019 to ensure the full suite of features can address the broad spectrum of our complex business demands. I remain encouraged as we move into testing phases and we have seen some of the preliminary requirements in action.
Over the summer and fall, members participated in a benchmarking survey to tell us what they think about our current systems and to help us confirm that the new and improved features will satisfy.
CKC members never fail to disappoint when it comes to sharing opinions and completing surveys. Consistently, our survey numbers eclipse industry standards. In this case, almost 350 members told us about their experience with our online registration services. While the overall ratings were mostly positive, it was not surprising that the feedback included many suggestions for improvement.
Looking ahead to the new features in development, it appears that we are on track however. Members asked for and will receive; individual dog’s points and other key information displayed in one spot, easier navigation and real time tracking of registration applications, and simplified payment info and methods. I wish the system was available now, especially when the respondents indicated that they expect to submit more online registration applications over the next two years.

With 2018 coming to a close, I am grateful that it was another good year for CKC operationally. Despite the ups and downs, we made progress. Registrations and events entries continue to track ahead of the previous year. New programs were launched such as Sprinter and Scent Detection (sanction matches). And in the face of crisis and change, we remain resilient and ready to take on a new year.
Thank you to all the members for their continued support and loyalty and all the best for a peaceful and joyous holiday season.