CKC’s Junior Handling National Championships celebrates the accomplishments and talent of dedicated Junior Handlers from across the country. Bringing together the
top Juniors in both Conformation and Obedience, the Junior Nationals is more than a competition – it is an opportunity for some of our most promising, up and coming handlers to see and be seen by fellow canine aficionados in different parts of our spectacular country. Friendships that begin at this event can last a lifetime, bonding contestants as they laugh and learn together, supporting one another as they prepare for the challenge of their respective rings. Mr. Richard Paquette, Chair of the CKC Junior Kennel Club, states that “the true quality of a Junior Handler can be measured in their sportsmanship,” and the CKC Junior Handling National Championships aims to foster an atmosphere of camaraderie, cohesion, and above all, fun. Our goal is to encourage our Juniors to take their passion to the next level, and we hope that passion – deeply rooted in the bond which links humankind to the dog – lasts a lifetime.
The Battle River Canine Association played host to this year’s Junior Nationals, held in beautiful Camrose, Alberta. Here, finalists enjoyed a packed weekend full of fun, costumes, and some of that famous western hospitality. Competition was rigorous – contestants had defeated other top Juniors in their respective Zone Finals in order to secure a place at the Junior Nationals. Ultimately, Kayla Penney of Chilliwack, BC, representing Zone 12 (British Columbia Interior and Yukon) was crowned the Best Overall Junior in Conformation, whilst Thomas Adams of Fredericton, NB, representing Zone 2 (New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island) came out on top in Obedience. Interestingly, both Kayla and Thomas come from “doggy” backgrounds, as Kayla’s grandpa had Golden Retrievers and Thomas’ mother is a well-known figure in the world of Dalmatians. Both youngsters found their own “heart breeds” though; Kayla decided on the same breed as our Prime Minister has, a
Portuguese Water Dog called “Kash,” and Thomas fell for the versatility of the
Belgian Shepherd with his dog “Chaos,” also recently discovering the appeal of the Golden Retriever with young “Race.” We congratulate our winners and wish them continued success in all their future endeavours in and out of the ring.
Best Overall Conformation (winner)
Kayla Penney - Zone 12
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
Best Overall Obedience (winner)
Thomas Adams - Zone 2
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
For any CKC Junior Handlers that are keen for a chance to participate in the 2019 Junior Nationals, there is still time to earn an invitation to the Zone Finals to qualify for Nationals. CKC’s
Event Calendar has a complete list of Junior Handling events across the country. Just remember, Conformation participants must complete at least three (3) Junior Handling competitions in the calendar year to be eligible for an invitation to your Zone Finals.
This year’s Junior Nationals provided the platform for a very special announcement about the Junior Handling program. Something everyone involved in almost any aspect of the world of purebred dogs can agree upon is the need for young people to become actively involved. We want to ensure a healthy and vibrant future for the breeds we cherish, and we want knowledgeable, passionate, and dedicated young people to be the face of that future. In support of that future, CKC is proud to present a brand new digital tool kit for novice Junior Handlers. Any interested youth, anywhere in Canada, can now learn about dog sport with access to video tutorials made just for them by none other than internationally renowned Canadian handler and former Junior, Allison Foley;
Enter the Ring: Junior Handling 101 is an amazing resource for kids, including a full kit of supporting materials covering all the details from Gaiting Pattern PDF’s to a handy “What to Wear” section. This is a great addition to the many recognized clubs already offering workshops for novice and junior handlers.

Mrs. Shannon Scheer, CKC Junior Kennel Club Rep for the Nationals’ host Zone, has been dedicated to Junior Handling for 30 years, “without the CKC having made Junior Handling an official event, I am not sure where our dog fancy would be in the next 10 years.” A prime example of the power of Junior Handling – Shannon was once a Junior herself and just as her mentors helped her, she now shares her expertise with the next generation of the CKC community. The everyday actions of CKC members is what makes this program accessible to Juniors; just read the Zone Finalists’ biographies to see how many of Canada’s top Junior Handlers started their journey with borrowed dogs, volunteer support, and confidence built on the kindness of their local CKC community. Jan Osterbauer, Chair of this year’s Junior Nationals, provides inspiration for all our members: “I have also had the fun and joy of having Junior Handlers work with my young Beardie puppies and raising them to become Champions.” Every member who takes a moment to lend a hand to Juniors and adult newcomers should feel very proud when they see the quality and integrity of the Juniors at CKC events. If you aren’t a Juniors supporter already, reach out to your local club or Juniors
Zone Rep to express your interest.
No account of the event could be complete without a mention of
DogShow.ca and
Canadian Dog Fancier for their unwavering support of the CKC Junior Handling National Championships, continuing to go above and beyond year after year. 100% of the proceeds of DogShow.ca’s multi-year Junior Nationals sponsorship has reached Junior Handlers through their annual jackets and bursaries while the team at Canadian Dog Fancier continue to provide a stunning program and cherished keepsake for attendees.
Runner Up Obedience
Allison Goosney - Zone 10
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
Runner Up Conformation
Melodie-Ann Guerit - Zone 3
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
3rd Place Conformation
Faith Cordeiro - Zone 4B
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
4th Place Conformation
Emily MacKay - Zone 1B
Photo Credit: Cathy French Photography |
For more pictures from the event click
The CKC would like to thank DogShow.ca for generously sponsoring the bursaries provided to the Best Overall Juniors in Conformation and Obedience. The Conformation Champion receives $2500 that they can use towards their journey to Birmingham, UK as they represent the Canadian Kennel Club at the International Junior Handling Competition hosted by Crufts.