Many people think that Instagram is just a place for brunches, sunsets, and selfies – but us dog folk know better! Instagram is a great platform to watch dogs grow from little puppies into grey muzzled seniors and catch all the adorable moments in-between.
Thousands of great Canadian dogs can be followed on Instagram. With one billion (with a B) users, Instagram is a favored social media platform where users can check out photos, videos, and stories on all their favourite things – from travel, to fashion and, of course, dogs!
It's no secret that we Canadians breed beautiful dogs, but did you know that several Canadian Dogs have huge followings? I had the pleasure of chatting with several great Canadian “Instastars” and their proud owners. Don’t forget to follow the Canadian Kennel Club on Instagram – @ckc4thedogs!
Handle: @zuma.thechocolatelab
Labrador Retriever
Owner: Ksenia Seliverstova
Breeder: Norman Harrington
Date of Birth: July 7, 2020
Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ontario.
Following: 10.5K +
How did you get started on Instagram? Were you a hit right away? My friends told me I took amazing photographs of Zuma on my phone and recommended that I try a professional camera. As it turns out, my mother had one lying around, so I started taking photos and made a page for him five months into his life! I wasn't amazing at first, and I still am no professional, but on my page, you can see the remarkable change in the types of photos I used to take compared to the ones now! It's just a hobby, but I love it a lot, and we slowly grew into a beautiful photography page featuring many places he is an ambassador for! It took a while to develop, but my goal for the YEAR was 10K, and we just hit it halfway through the year!
Have you been recognized from your Instagram page? Only one person in our neighbourhood has recognized us! Otherwise, we tend to hike alone or with one friend only in different forests and avoid human contact to avoid Covid! Maybe once things start opening up, life might be a bit different!
Any advice for creating a dog's Instagram account? Take nice clear photos, don't over-post; once a day is more than enough. Engage, engage, ENGAGE! It’s all about building connections and online friendships, purchase and support your local businesses too.
What's Zuma's favourite treat? That’s a hard one! Beef pizzles, beef tracheas, and beef liver. Anything beef!
Who is Zuma's best friend? It's a hard choice between 3 dogs! @zola_theborador is like a sister to Zuma, and @gsdnamedking is like a cousin. I guess that leaves @bestboygoose as Zuma's best friend then!
Handle: @chumpiethedog
Registered name: Presbrooke Wynter
Miniature Schnauzer
Owners: Gillian MacDonald and Steve Petty
Breeders: Ted and Carol Ann Greene
Date of Birth: March 15, 2015
Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Following: 17.3K + on Instagram & 44.2K + YouTube
How did you get started on Instagram? Were you a hit right away? We started to upload some photos and videos just so that we wouldn't annoy family and friends with so many posts on their personal accounts! Our YouTube videos got a lot of hits straight away (due to Chumpie's puppy cuteness), but it took a bit longer to find some followers on Instagram.
Have you been recognized from your Instagram page? I have, and it's SO weird when it happens! We have been recognized at a couple different dog parks, and in the neighbourhood. Not necessarily because people know Chumpie from photos or my videos, but because of their very rare and unique name that is a bit unforgettable.
Any advice for creating a dog’s Instagram account? Have fun with it! Take photos and make videos that bring you joy. If you and your dogs are having fun, it will be a fun account to see pop up in someone else's feed.
What's Chumpie's favourite treat? Is there ever just ONE favourite? Peanut butter flavoured anything, beef lung, carrots, and bacon flavoured anything.
Who is Chumpie's best friend? Georgia from across the street. She is an 80 pound Rottweiler who makes Chumpie's heart sing.
When Chumpie isn't posing for great Instagram photos, what's your favourite activity? Hiking, cuddling, nosework in the backyard or in the house! Anything with people makes Chumpie happy.
Handle: @piperandthegiantpeach
Registered name: EN EHD CA TDCH CH LegacyK She Said Yes SDO RM NS GCN RATO VDA
German Shorthaired Pointer
Owners: Emily Meko and Russell Colebrook
Breeder: Nancibeth Clements and Sherri Griswold
Date of Birth: June 1, 2017
Hometown: Chatham, Ontario
Following: 3.5 K +
How did you get started on Instagram? Were you a hit right away? Our following has always been slow and steady, but we've focused on quality over quantity. I have focused on connecting with likeminded dog owners, many of whom we have built lasting friendships with!
Have you been recognized from your Instagram page? Yes, they have been recognized at many dog shows and trials in Canada and the states!
Any advice for creating a dog’s Instagram account? Keep it genuine! I've always aspired to let life lead our Instagram, not the other way around. We spend a lot of time training and (in normal times) competing, so many of our pictures are related to those activities. I've never worried about themes or consistent styles of photos- our life is an eclectic mix, and so is our Instagram feed! I also try to post lots of videos of our training. I feel that our dogs' intelligence and skills make them stand out from the crowd.
What's Piper's favourite treat? Piper loves cheese, particularly goat cheese!
Who is Piper's best friend? Piper has found an unlikely bestie in a scruffy little rescued dog named Gibson. The two of them are frequent training buddies and also enjoy walks and hikes together. Piper is also quite fond of Blaise @gretaandblaisepointwednesday and Wally of @findley_gsp_and_friends, even if he jumps on her head a lot!
When you aren’t posing for great Instagram photos, what’s your favourite activity? We love training for and competing in dog sports! Piper loves scent detection, shed hunt, rally obedience, agility, barn hunt, lure coursing and anything else we ask of her!
Handle: @jaxson_thegolden
Registered name: GCh Ambertru’s If Nott For You GCN S ATD
Golden Retriever
Owner: Jamila Mancini
Breeder: Connie Johnson
Date of Birth: April 11, 2016
Hometown: Pembroke, Ontario
Following: 167k +
How did you get started on Instagram? Were you a hit right away? We started in June of 2016 when Jaxson came home. It took him six months to hit 10k!
Have you been recognized from your Instagram page? Yes, we have been, especially at events like the Canadian Pet Expo or walking around Toronto.
Any advice for creating a dog’s Instagram account? Keep it fun and natural! People want to see what your dogs’ lives are like and how they spend their time!
What's Jaxson's favourite treat? Everything and anything ... he's a golden 😉
Who is Jaxson's best friend? His sister Sadie! Or his mom...
When you aren't posing for great Instagram photos, what's your favourite activity? Hiking and playing in the sprinkler!
Handle: @mauithechow
Registered name: Mi-Pao’s Maui Rouge
Chow Chow
Owners: Jack Chew and Mai Nguyen
Breeder: F. Paul A. Odenkirchen
Date of Birth: November 1, 2017
Hometown: Niagara Falls, Ontario
Following: 16.5K +
How did you get started on Instagram? Were you a hit right away? We just decided to put up some pictures, and within the first week, Maui had over 500 followers. So we decided to keep posting, and it's been so much fun sharing our daily life with our community!
Have you been recognized from your Instagram page? Yes!! I had people come up to me in the malls, stores, and on the street. Maui is always happy to see people!
Any advice for creating a dog's Instagram account?
Just have fun!! Everyone loves to see us live our best lives, going on adventures big and small and all the silly things our parents make us do. Also, interact with your followers, they become friends, and we love our community!
What's Maui's favourite treat? Maui loves cookies and
liver treats! Once in a while we will also share our French fries!
Who is Maui's best friend? Maui loves to spend my time with Cali (@cali_bear_chow), Tofu (@tofu_the_chow), Loafy (@loafy_the_chow), and Tofu (@tofudachow).
When you aren’t posing for great Instagram photos, what’s your favourite activity? Maui loves to shop! We often go to malls and boutiques with Maui.